About the center

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 8, 2017 № PP-3178 “About measures for further development and improvement of activity of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan” The Center for Training and Retraining of Music Teachers under the State Conservatory of...

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Culture and art unite people
Narody Uzbekistana and Tajikistan связаны многовковой дружбой и добрососством, общая речией, схожей культурой, trades...
Educational trends
Assistant Audio Producer
Assistant Audio Producer
Head of the folk instruments...
Head of the folk instruments ensemble (orchestra)
Conductor of the Vocational Choir...
Conductor of the Vocational Choir Team
Teacher of Music and Theoretical...
Teacher of Music and Theoretical Sciences
Academic vocal artist
Academic vocal artist
Musical Instructors
Musical Instructors
Traditional vocal artist vocational teachers
Traditional vocal artist vocational teachers
Estrada cholg’ulari ijrochisi kasbi o’qituvchilari
Estrada cholg’ulari ijrochisi kasbi o’qituvchilari
Professors of vocal artist vocal...
Professors of vocal artist vocal training
String Music Instructors
String Music Instructors
Tutor and percussion instructor
Tutor and percussion instructor
Piano Performer teachers
Piano Performer teachers
Traditional Instrumental Instructor
Traditional Instrumental Instructor
Teacher of folk instruments
Teacher of folk instruments
Application of physical and legal entities
(+998 71) 244 95 05